Solicitante: Prof. Or Aleksandrowicz (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology)
Áreas de interés:
Urban microclimate: the climatic aspects of urban planning and design, including their effect on outdoor thermal comfort of individuals and energy consumption in buildings • Bioclimatic building design: the effects of indoor climate on thermal, visual, and energy building performance and occupants' wellbeing • Building performance simulation: the application of computational tools in the analysis of varied aspects of building performance • History of modern architecture and urban planning • History of building science and technology: the historical developments and transformation of building technologies and building science, focusing on their relation to planning and design practices • Digital humanities: the application of digital analysis tools and big data processing in the writing of urban and architectural history
Descripción del equipo de investigación:
The Big Data in Architectural Research (BDAR) Lab at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning conducts multidisciplinary research related to architecture and urban environments based on the collection and analysis of big data. The lab is capable of collection, processing, and analysis of physical, spatial, functional, visual, and semantic data. The equipment includes: mobile meteorological stations, shortwave and longwave radiometers, advanced photography and recording equipment, a high-capacity scanner for printed media, reproduction equipment, highcapacity computers and storage servers, and a wide variety of software used for data collection and analysis, performance simulations, and media processing.
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